AOSpine Newsletter
Dear Dr.,

Welcome to our second newsletter. This edition is about our most important news of the trimester that just passed. The objective of our quarterly bulletin is to communicate our main news, events and courses to our community.

In case you are interested to interact with us, you can do it through our social media channels.
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AOSpine Latin America
AOSpine Regional Courses
AOSpine Regional Courses . November 3-5 . Bogotá, Colombia

From November 3 to 5, Bogota will host the most important AOSpine regional event, the “AOSpine Regional Courses”. With this event, AOSpine Latin America seeks once again to reinforce its commitment to promote high-level training activities in the spine area in Latin America.

This unique opportunity will allow participants to learn about the latest developments on the treatment of spine pathologies through advanced modules that will be taught by some of the world's leading experts in the area, such as doctors Carlo Bellabarba, Christopher Shaffrey, Cumhur Oner, Daniel Riew, Giovanni Barbanti, Kenneth M. C. Cheung, Klaus Schnake, Laurence Rhines and Mark Dekutoski.

Among the various innovations of the event, it is worth to highlight that participants can create their own programs by choosing between the different modules of Trauma, Tumors, Deformities and Degenerative.

The success of the event is such that at almost 2 months of the AOSpine Regional Courses we have already sold almost 80% of the vacancies and 100% of the booths for expositors.

It is recommended to all doctors interested in participating in our main event of the year to book their vacancy as quickly as possible since the availability of vacancies is running out very quickly.

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AOSLA Board Elections
Latin America Board Elections

In June 2016, the elections appointed new AOSpine Latin America Board members with the conclusion of the mandates of doctors Ratko Yurac and Samuel Pantoja and their substitutions by Dr. Emiliano Vialle and Jaime Segura.

In addition, Dr. Nestor Taboada was appointed with the position of Education-Elect and will replace Dr. Juan Emmerich from July 2017.

With the new elections the Board of AOSpine Latin America is composed as follows:
Fellowship AOSpine Latin America congratulates the excellent performance of the Board members who completed their mandates and the new members who agreed to take on the new challenges for the development of AOSpine activities.

We wish you all much success in your activities.
AOne Research
AOne Research

From June 17 to 18, AOSpine Latin America along with the clinical divisions AOCMF, AOVET and AOTrauma implemented the second edition of the multidisciplinary event "AOne Research" Education in Research in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.

The event was of great importance because it provided various practical activities in which 50 participants interacted, including faculty, surgeons, residents and interns in the areas of neurosurgery, orthopedics, cranio-maxillofacial and veterinary.

To promote research activities AOSpine Latin America delivered 10 scholarships to undergraduate students in order for them to understand the importance of research in the medical field. The objective is that these participants will contribute to the advancement of medical science.

The success of the event was such that the organizers of the event decided to record 17 talks on various topics related to research practices.

Soon you will find these videos on the AOSpine website.
AOne Research

During the years, one of the main goals of AOSpine Latin America was to promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the area of spine surgery through medical research and the publication of high quality articles.

To accomplish this objective, AOSpine Latin America puts at disposal of its members a team of 4 specialists in order to assess and monitor the work of researchers who want to publish their articles in scientific journals.

At AOSpine Latin America, we are pleased to inform that in 2016 we provided support for the publication of the following articles:
  • Steroid Use for Acute Spinal Cord Injury in Latin America: A Potentially Dangerous Practice Guided by Fear of Lawsuit.
    Teles AR, Cabrera J. Riew KD, Falavigna A.
    World Neurosurg. 2016 Apr; 88: 342-9. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015 12. 045. Epub 2015 Dec 28.
    PMID: 26732969
  • Radiotherapy-induced tumors of the spine, peripheral nerve, and spinal cord: Case report and literature review.
    Falavigna A, da Silva PG, Teixeira W.
    Surg Neurol Int. 2016 Feb 10;7 (Suppl 4):S 108-15 doi: 10.4103/2152-7806. 176131. eCollection 2016.
    PMID: 26958426
  • Perspective of Value-Based Management of Spinal Disorders in Brazil
    Alisson R. Teles, Orlando Righesso, Maria Carolina R. Gullo, Zoher Ghogawala, Asdrubal Falavigna.
    World Neurosurg. (2016) 87: 346-354.
In addition, AOSpine Latin America is also contributing to help the publication of 3 further international multi-center papers.

In order to receive information on how to apply to receive the support of AOSpine Latin America please contact: [email protected].

From March 14 to June 17, 2016 AOSpine Latin America launched a call for members to participate in the program “AOSpine Fellowship”.

The Fellowship is a program that provides scholarships to orthopedists and neurosurgeons, who want to improve their knowledge and skills in the area of spinal surgery. The periods of the Fellowship programs vary depending on the different needs of the candidates, going from 1 month up to 2 years.

In 2016, AOSpine Latin America received 50 applications to participate in a Fellowship program in one of the 13 Spine Centers associated with AOSpine.

The distribution of the candidates is as follows:

At present, AOSpine is finishing the 2017 selection process of the candidates.

A further modality of the Fellowship program is the Observership. The differences with the long term Fellowship and the Observership are:
  • The Observership has a shorter duration. It can last from 3 to 15 days;
  • Participants do not receive any financial aid;
  • Those interested can apply at any time of the year.
For more information, access the complete Fellowship Guides bellow:

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Education in Research

From June 5 to July 23, AOSpine Latin America implemented the second edition of the "Online Course Access to Information: Database Research". The course, whose objective was to train participants on how to access, assess and use scientific information available in major databases, had a duration of 8 weeks where expert Faculty accompanied and guided the activities of the event.

The characteristic of being an online course was very well accepted by its participants, who were able to appreciate the flexibility of the schedule when it came to access to academic activities. Such feature is a key element for professionals who have little time and desire to continue to add value to their respective curricula.

The next edition of this course will be held in October 2016. We would like to remind to all interested doctors that the course is free to all AOSpine Members. We will notify the opening of vacancies very shortly.

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Educational Activities
26 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine Transcongreso SEOT—
Tumores vertebrales
31 Simposio Avanzado AOSpine Transcongreso SAPCV—
Deformidad del adulto
31-01 Curso AOSpine Latinoamericano—Cadavérico I Palm Beach
02-03 Curso AOSpine Latinoamericano—Cadavérico II Palm Beach
06 Simposio Avanzado AOSpine Transcongreso SBN Brasília
10 Curso On Line Avanzado AOSpine—Módulo V Virtual
10 Seminario de Principios AOSpine—Columna vertebral degenerativa Habana
15 Simposio Avanzado AOSpine Transcongreso AMCICO Querétaro
17 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Deformidades
en columna vertebral
Santo Domingo
09-15 Adaptation to the virtual learning environment
Module 1: Health decisions based on evidence
15 Seminario de Principios AOSpine—Hospital INTO Trauma en columna vertebral Rio de Janeiro
20 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Infecciones e inflamatorio Santiago
26 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Transcongreso FEMECOT Tijuana
28 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine Transcongreso SVCOT—
Columna degenerativa y deformidades
03-05 AOSpine Regional Courses Latin America Bogotá
18-19 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Deformidades Panamá
19 Curso On Line Avanzado AOSpine—Módulo VI Virtual
02-03 Seminario Avanzado AOSpine Transcongreso Neuropinamar Pinamar
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AOSpine Latin America
Av. Silva Jardim, 2042. Cj 1505
CEP 80250-200 . Curitiba . Brasil
T +55 (41) 3016.4491
[email protected]