AOSpine Newsletter
Welcome to our eight newsletter. In this issue, we bring the most important news of the trimester that just passed and disclosure our main events and courses to the next trimester.
As a review of the past year, our Annual Report is a summary of all activities organized by AOSpine Latin America and it highlights the most significant accomplishments of the region. This publication illustrates all the different projects held in Education, Research, Fellowships & Spine Center, and Community Development. Read more »
According to him: “Everything I do in my professional practice, and all the knowledge that I convey are the product of what I have received from AOSpine”. Read more »
Luiz Gustavo Dal Oglio da Rocha
Q&A with Luiz Gustavo Dal Oglio da Rocha (BR), member of the Hospital Based Seminar task force.
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Our first Spine Camp Personal Training Clinic was dedicated to improving minimally invasive spine skills.
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Global Spine Congress 2018
Join us at the 7th Annual Global Spine Congress (GSC), which will take place in Singapore from 2-5 May, 2018. The GSC will feature an exciting and unique scientific program with parallel sessions for three full days, covering a wide range of spine related topics. AOSpine members receive a USD 150 discount on the registration fee. Read more »
Last days of early registration
The third edition of our Regional Courses will take place in Sao Paulo, in June 2018 and for the first time the modules will be all Master Level. Register now and benefit from the early bird discount up to February 20th. Read more »
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Educational Activities
23-24 Feb Seminário de Princípios AOSpine Residentes—Princípios em cirurgia de coluna São Paulo
09-10 Mar Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Tumores Habana
10 Mar Curso Online Avanzado AOSpine—Módulo I Online
16-17 Mar AOSpine Advanced Level Live Tissue Course—Avoiding complications in anterior approaches and complex procedures Curitiba
24 Mar Seminario de Princípios AOSpine Hospital Based—Degenerativa cervical Goiânia
27 Mar Webinar Avanzado AOSpine—Metástasis vertebral Online
07 Abr Seminario de Princípios AOSpine Hospital Based Curitiba
08 Abr /
26 May
Curso Online AOSpine—Acceso a la información: búsqueda en base de datos Online
13-14 Abr Curso de Principios AOSpine Monterrey
13 Abr Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Cirugía en el adulto mayor e Investigación San José
19-20 Abr Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Puesta al día en trauma de columna Santiago
20-21 Abr AOne Latin America Courses—Curso de Principios AOSpine Ciudad de México
20-21 Abr AOne Latin America Courses—Seminario Avanzado AOSpine: Retos quirúrgicos en columna vertebral geriátrica Ciudad de México
28 Abr Curso Online Avanzado AOSpine—Módulo II Online
08 May Webinar Avanzado AOSpine—Infección postquirúrgica Online
11-12 May Seminario Avanzado AOSpine—Complicaciones en MISS Mendoza
Regional Courses 2018
AOSpine Latin America
Av. Silva Jardim, 2042. Cj 1505
80250-200 . Curitiba, Brasil
T +55 41 3016 4491
[email protected]